Category Archives: Animal Facts

The Cutest Creature On Earth

There is a plenty of animals that are dead cute: sloth, lemur, saw-whet owl, kittens, etc. The last animal that caught my attention is fennec fox)– this is the cutest thing I’ve seen in months! They totally remind me of Simba from the Lion King. Looks like a combination of a cat, fox, squirrel and a toy dog. I’ve never seen it closely, but the other day I came across a few pictures of it and couldn’t take my eyes off it. What I loved the most is its size and the size of its earls: they look bizarre and adorable at the same time.
This fox is found in North Africa. Small, furry and fast, it’s the smallest animal of the kind (“canid” – this kind includes dogs, foxes, coyotes, wolves, etc.). It needs such amazingly large ears as they help it to dissipate heat. Fennec catches and eats smaller mammals and insects. Its awesome ears help it hear them moving underground. They dig out holes in the ground where they live and hide from larger animals and birds, the main enemy of a fennec fox is an eagle owl – another awesome creature.The coolest bird on earth, I think. House dogs and hyenas also haunt fennec foxes. Anyway, those holes where fennec families live can reach 120 sq. meters (1 1/5 sq. ft)! Impressive huh?
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Ferret in Your House

It has taken me much time to decide what pet I want to keep in my house. Cats look nice and you do not need to walk them, but they are too lazy. Dogs are friendly and loyal but they need to be cared after much. And then the idea came to me – ferrets! And, honestly, I have never regretted this decision. If you want to buy a ferret, too, you should note that keeping it requires special knowledge and preparation as well.

First of all, define whether your pet will be a male or a female as they differ considerably. Males are twice as large as females are a way calmer. So, if you want your pet to be curious and always active, you should choose a female ferret. Besides, you should note that your ferret will not get on well with your hamster, rabbit, rat or chinchilla – it will try to eat them instead.

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How Big Cats Are Tamed

The performance with predators taking part in is considered to be the most dangerous one. The animal tamer unlike the other performers can’t use safety belts as the balancers or equilibrists do. On the circus arena an animal tamer can account only on his own stamina and courage.

According to the rules of safety there is always a gun lying on the crimp of the arena during the performance. Of course it is charged with the blank bullets and is aimed not to shoot an animal but only to frighten it with a sudden loud sound in an emergency situation. Though the lions and tigers which have taken part in performances for a long time and are accustomed to the loud sounds are likely to pay no attention to the shot.

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Taking care for ferrets.

If you have decided to keep a ferret you should realize that ferrets need special care and treatment. So think whether you are ready to pay much attention to your very special pet. If you are ready then probably some of these tips would be really helpful.

Despite the fact ferrets do like to sleep (they sleep at least 18 hours a day) they are very active. I would even say they are energetic pets. It means that they need one’s attention. If you are busy and have no time to look after your pet then you should think if you really need a ferret. Ferrets are playful. So your ferret wouldn’t like to stay in a cage all day long. It would be terrible for it.

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Animal testing.

The issue concerning animal testing is quite disputable. There are many who protest practice of animal experimentation. The statistics is horrible indeed. It is believed that over 100 million of animals are tested annually. And it seems really terrible. At the same time it is impossible to avoid animal testing practice. It is believed that animal testing is used to save humans from diseases. Well, it is wonderful indeed. But the price is too high, don’t you think so? And one could hardly justify the practice of testing cosmetics. So called the Draize Test is used to test cosmetics. Tested animals are conscious. As the rule scientists test skin or eye reaction of cosmetics they are testing. Usually they use albino rabbits. I could hardly justify this type of testing. Fine, I’m ready to accept the practice in case there in no way to solve the problem. At the same time they test not only rats and mice as we used to think. Quite often they use cats, dogs, primates, rabbits. And to tell the truth the numbers of tested animals are shocking. Thus it is said that in 2000 scientists tested over 25 000 cats in the States.

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Cat Neutering – Pros and Cons

All owners of cats face the same question to which they answer differently. This question is whether to neuter your pet or not? In order to make a decision you need to understand which negative and positive results this process may cause. Moreover, you should also learn what this process means. Of course it will not be you who stands with scalpel in your hand, but nevertheless you should be aware of the experience your beloved pet is going through.

Neutering or desexing is the operation performed by a veterinarian to remove the reproductive organ of an animal. Either the whole organ or its considerable part can be removed. It sounds awful; however, the operation is quite easy and performs no difficulty at all. Besides, it will not take your cat long to recover from neutering – about a day after the operation for cats and a day or to longer for females. The whole process may seem unnatural, as the reproductive function is an essential part of life of all living beings. But the advantages of neutering make people use this method again and again.

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